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Candi Animations!
Here is a collection of Candi animations that I have made. The newer ones are placed on the top.

Winter 2006
Candi Newsbox Animated Gif
Summer 2006 aka "Hypno-Butt"
Candi Newsbox Animated Gif



"Candi In Wonderland"
March 2005
Candi falls down the Rabbit Hole to encounter her roommates as characters from the famous n
ovel, Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.

"Stepping Out "
Fall 2003
Stop Motion Animation
Candi is decides to pop out of her story and check out what's going on. (This explains why I changed the story from a high school comedy to a college one.)


"Aliens and DDR"
Spring 2003
Co-Created with Kamil Jackson
Candi goes to the arcade and encounters a stick figure alien. Kamil and I had to collaborate our two flip book ideas together for this class project.